Doing an internship abroad is a great way to gain international work experience, and to boost your CV. This page helps you to find internships, discover the right contact people and check insurance for your period abroad.

Go International for all

All students, irrelevant of background, should have equal and fair access and possibility to participate. You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions, if you are in need of support, or if you have a disability. Additional scholarship funds are available within some exchange programs for students who, for example, travel with a child or have a disability.

First steps towards your internship abroad

Start by contacting either your programme, course coordinator or your department’s internship coordinator to discuss opportunities available to you. You can also directly contact a company or organisation that you are interested in. Your faculty or department might also have international networks through research collaborations and exchange agreements.

Contact for international opportunities

Erasmus+ internship grant in Europe

If you are doing an internship or conducting field studies for your thesis in Europe, you can apply for a scholarship from Erasmus+.

Erasmus+ traineeship scholarship

Kammarkollegiet's insurance: Student-OUT

Students who are doing an internship abroad under an agreement between Malmö University and a foreign educational institution, company or other institution, are covered by the group insurance policy Student OUT. This is provided by Kammarkollegiet. Make sure to read the terms and conditions before you go abroad. 

The 'Student OUT' insurance

The insurance is valid while you are in the host country. Make sure to read the terms and conditions before you go abroad. 

  • The insurance does not cover any travels outside the host country. The exemptions are study trips with a supervisor where Kammarkollegiet has been notified in advance. 
  • The Student OUT insurance does not apply in countries where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against all travel. If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against all travel to a specific area in a country, the insurance does not apply in that part of the country. The advice against travels should be in place at the time of your departure for the insurance not to be valid.
    If you started your travels before the advice against travels, you are covered by the insurance for a maximum of 30 days from when the advice applies. During this time, you are expected to travel back to Sweden. If your domicile is in a country other than Sweden, the insurance can reimburse travel there. More information about the Ministry for Foreign Affairs advice against travels can be found on the Governmental offices website (in Swedish).

If something happens during the time you are away, you report this by making a claim. Information about the claim form can be found on the Kammarkollegiet's website.

Information about the terms and conditions of the Student OUT policy