Find information on what you should do in the event of discrimination or harassment, threat of violence, accident, fire, or other type of incident.

Discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and victimisation

Malmö University has zero tolerance for discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and victimisation.

Harassment and discrimination

Fault reporting – if something is broken

You can make a fault report if, for example, a handle in a classroom is broken, a projector or printer is not working, or in the case of a rubbish bin overflow.

Reporting faults is easy and doesn't take much time. In the system, you must select the building where you have discovered the fault.

Make a fault report

Report faults in IT products, or send your questions to the IT Department.

Fault reporting IT (Service Portal)

QR code in each room

There is a QR code in each room/classroom. Scan this code to go directly to the fault report form.

Fault reporting premises (login required) (Service Portal) 

Report an incident

Feel free to report an event or situation that could have led to an accident, or health hazard, but ended well. For example, you may have tripped over a skirting board but did not hurt yourself. However, we still encourage you to file an incident report to make sure the problem is addressed.

Reporting reduces the risk of accidents and contributes to a good working environment for students, visitors and staff.

Form for reporting incidents (login required) (Service Portal)

Threats and violence

Malmö University should be perceived as a positive and safe environment where threats and violence should not occur. Threats and violence must always be taken seriously, and we take preventive measures to reduce the risk of incidents, for example by mapping risk environments.

To report threats, please log in with your computer identity and password.

Form for reporting threats (login required) (Service Portal)

Accidents and/or personal injuries

If you have been injured on the way to, or from, campus, or while you are here, you can report it.

Form for reporting accidents (login required) (Service Portal)

In the event of death

If a student at Malmö University dies, we will follow special procedures. Contact Student Health Services if you need to talk to someone, or to report a death.

Student Health Services


The personal injury insurance for students applies:

  • during school hours* and during direct travel between your home and the place where you spend your school hours. When travelling abroad, a separate supplementary insurance must be taken out
  • in case of personal injury by accident, or in case of illness by contagion
  • in case of an accident during distance learning if it is directly related to the studies to be carried out.

* School time is defined as an activity arranged by the University, which your programme or course defines as part of your education. Please note that the insurance does not apply if someone other than Malmö University organises an activity. For example, a student union or a student nation could organise an activity. For those occasions, you must have a private home insurance/accident insurance.

Personal injury insurance (Kammarkollegiets webbplats)

In the event of a fire

  1. Rescue those in obvious danger.
  2. Call 112 to reach the emergency services, ambulance, or police. Do not end the call until you have been instructed to do so.
  3. Warn others at risk.
  4. Evacuate by using the nearest escape route and go to the assembly point – see evacuation plan.
  5. Extinguish the fire if you deem it possible. Do not expose yourself to danger.

Never use an elevator during an evacuation. Avoid smoke – if possible, crawl under the smoke if you have to pass through a space filled with smoke.


In case of theft, you should report it to the police, either via the Swedish Police Authority's website or by phone, 114 14.

It is important that you report the incident to the police yourself, as it is usually you who can best explain what happened and answer any additional questions. Malmö University has no insurance cover for your personal belongings.

Lost, broken and found multicard

If you lose your multicard or it breaks, you should block it in idService. If you find a multicard, it should be handed in to a reception desk, the housing service or the Helpdesk in the Orkanen Library.

Block your card (idService)


There are staff on duty around the clock and resources for help during and after events that require external intervention. Therefore, if something happens, you can always contact them on 040-665 80 80. They can also alert the University's crisis management team, if necessary.

Identify yourself with your multicard

If you are on campus after closing time, a security staff member may ask you to identify yourself with your multicard, or ID document.