You are accepted when you have submitted your application to your host university, and it has officially sent you a letter of acceptance. Keep track of what you need to do next.

Checklist for your stay abroad

The following information applies to all countries.

Letter of acceptance from your host university

You will receive your letter of acceptance from your host university by email or mail. Make sure that all dates for your stay are correct. If requested, reply to your offer and fill out any forms from your host university.

Upload a copy of your letter of acceptance to the MoveON database under the tab 'AFTER NOMINATION: Document upload for mobility abroad'.

Email your international coordinator at your faculty and let them know you've uploaded the document. If your letter of acceptance does not contain information about the start and end date for your exchange, you must send in this information by including a link to the host university's website with the start and end date for the semester. This information is often called an 'academic calendar'.

Upload your document in MoveON

Student grants and loans for studies abroad

If you are entitled to student grants and loans through the Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN), you can apply for financial support for your exchange semester. We recommend that you apply for support for two semesters, even if you are only planning to go on exchange for one semester.

In addition to funding for your studies, you can apply for extra student loans for, for example, travel and any insurance. You can read more on CSN's website.

Student grants and loans for studies outside Sweden

Download the Erasmus+ app

If you are going on exchange with Erasmus+, you can download its app with tips and useful information for your exchange semester.

Download the app

Erasmus+ grant for studies abroad

Detailed information about the Erasmus+ grant for exchange studies and how to apply is sent to the students who go on exchange within the Erasmus+ programme.

Erasmus+ grant for exchange studies

The Erasmus+ Student Charter highlights your rights and obligations and tells you what you can expect from your sending and receiving organisations at each step of your Erasmus+ experience.

Erasmus+ Student Charter

A sustainable approach to Erasmus+

The European Commission has a strong focus on sustainability. What exactly can you do to ensure that your exchange studies are as sustainable as possible?

The Green Erasmus Portal has been developed by the Erasmus Student Network to provide students with information on how to be sustainable before, during and after their Erasmus experience

Green Erasmus Portal 


Provided that you are registered for exchange studies in Ladok, you are insured through the Kammarkollegiet's Student OUT insurance policy during your studies. Your insurance certificate will be sent to the email address you provided when you made your application for exchange studies.

The insurance is valid for the time that you spend in the host country. Make sure to read the terms and conditions before you go abroad. 

Please note that: 

  • Student OUT does not provide any coverage if you are studying from somewhere other than your host country. If you are conducting distance studies from Malmö, or somewhere other than the place where your host university is situated, you will need an additional insurance. 
  • The insurance does not cover any travels outside the host country. The exemptions are study trips with a supervisor where Kammarkollegiet have been notified in advance. 
  • The Student OUT insurance does not apply in countries where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against all travel. If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against all travel to a specific area in a country, the insurance does not apply in that part of the country. The advice against travels should be in place at the time of your travels for the insurance not to be valid. If you started your travels before the advice against travels, you are covered by the insurance for a maximum of 30 days when the advice applies. During this time you are expected to travel back to Sweden. If your domicile is in a country other than Sweden, the insurance can reimburse travel there. More information about the Ministry for Foreign Affairs advice against travels can be found on the Governmental offices website (in Swedish)
  • If the country of study is the country in which you are domiciled, the only clauses that apply are 2.1 Personal injury cover and 2.11 Liability cover. If you are a citizen of the country of study or if you have lived there, contact Kammarkollegiet and find out what applies specifically to you.

If something happens during the time you are away, you report this by making a claim. Information about the claim form can be found on the Kammarkollegiet's website.

Read more about the Student OUT insurance

Attend the ’kick-off’

You will be invited to a 'kick-off' for students who are about to go on exchange studies. At this meeting, you will receive information that can make your preparations a bit easier. Over a cup of coffee, you get to talk to students who are going on exchange.

Learning Agreement

Make sure you get your learning agreement signed by your course/programme coordinator at Malmö University before departure. It must also be signed by your host university. You must get your courses approved to get your credits transferred once you're back.

Remember that it is your responsibility as a student to make sure that you study the equivalent of 30 higher education credits during your exchange and that the number of credits in your learning agreement is correct.

When your learning agreement is complete and contains all information and signatures, upload a copy to the MoveOn portal under the tab 'After nomination: Document upload for mobility abroad'. Email your international coordinator at your faculty and let them know you've uploaded the document. Make sure you only upload your learning agreement once it is complete.

Upload your Learning Agreement in the MoveOn portal

Exchange studies outside Europe, within Nordplus or Linnaeus-Palme

If you go to exchange studies outside Europe, within Nordplus or Linnaeus-Palme, use the general Learning Agreement below.

Learning Agreement template (PDF, Box)

Exchange studies within Erasmus+ 

Students who go on exchange studies within the Erasmus+ programme must complete a digital Erasmus+ Learning Agreement. You will complete the learning agreement in MoveOn and you will receive an e-mail from Malmö University with instructions once the learning agreement is ready for you to complete.

You will not upload this learning agreement to MoveOn. As you are doing it digitally it will automatically end up in MoveOn.

Register in Ladok

For you to be insured through the University and to receive student grants and loans, you must be admitted to exchange studies in Ladok. This is done once you've uploaded your letter of acceptance in MoveON and notified the international coordinator at your faculty.

You can find more information about your admission to your host university at the top of this checklist.

Ladok for students

Template for reference letters

Sometimes you need to send a reference letter with your application for exchange studies to the host university. You can use the templates below.


Find out in good time if you need any vaccination for the country you are going to.

Visa and residence permit for studies

  • if you wish to study outside of the EU: apply well in advance.
  • if you are a EU citizen going to study in the EU: EU/EES citizens needs to apply for a residence permit to another EU member state only if they do not hold a right of residence. You have right of residence if you are employed, self-employed, a student or have sufficient means to support yourself.