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My Studies
New student
Schedule, group rooms and classrooms
Codes of conduct
Withdrawal and leave from studies
Apply for your degree certificate
Writing your degree project
Personal data and ethical review for degree projects
Degree projects in Diva
How to succeed with your thesis paper
Rights and responsibilities
Harassment and discrimination
Scholarships for current students
Get involved
Become a buddy
Student unions
Unibuddy – chat with prospective students
UNIC student ambassador
Student Services
IT support
Computer identity, multicard & reset password
Upgrade your computer identity
Software and web services
Wireless network
Writing Centre and support
Take-home exams and written assignments
Maths workshop
Registration, certificates & administration
Student Health Service
Study guidance
Studying with a disability
Become a support person
University Chaplaincy
Go International
Exchange studies
Timeline for exchange studies
Exchange studies – FAQ
Apply for exchange studies
Admitted to exchange studies
After your exchange
Internship abroad
Thesis abroad
Erasmus+ grants
Erasmus+ grants for exchange studies
Erasmus+ grants for internships abroad
Certificate of International Merits
Short-term international experiences
Virtual International opportunities
Contact for international opportunities
Jobs and internships
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Career guidance
Graduation and alumni network
There are many ways to get involved in student life beyond the classroom, whether that is as a volunteer or with a paid extra job at the University.
The student unions at Malmö University are there for you. They host many social activities, such as introduction programmes,...
Meet new students from around the world, expand your network, make new friends, and develop your language skills.
As a mentor or note-taker for a student with a disability, you play a very important role. You support a student for them to...
Are you interested in representing Malmö University in digital media, connecting with prospective students from all over the...
Are you an accomplished musician? Becoming a member is a wonderful opportunity to perform both classic and contemporary pieces...
Buy Malmö University branded t-shirts, mugs, pens and bags from the reception at Niagara, or from our web shop.
There are many associations and organisations looking for volunteers. The volunteer agency "Volontärbyrån" makes it easy for...