How to apply for your degree certificate, general rules and information, download certificate, lost certificate, appeal, changes to your personal data.

Applying for a degree certificate

You apply for a degree certificate in Ladok for students. Log in with your student account (if you do not have an active student account, you can get an eduID or use your credentials at to log in). You can also log into Ladok for alumni with BankID or Freja eID+.

In order to apply, all courses included in the degree must be completed and registered in Ladok.

Before applying, make sure that your personal data in Ladok is correct. If you have had a temporary identity/coordination number but have received a Swedish personal identity number from the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), you must notify this in order for the changes to be made in Ladok. Please email

Apply in Ladok for students

The degree certificate

The front page of the degree certificate states the degree title you have been awarded and your main subject. Your courses are listed on the following pages. All information is given in both Swedish and English.

You will also receive a Diploma Supplement issued in English. It describes the Swedish qualification you have been awarded, its position in the system of qualifications and the Swedish education system. The intention is to make it easier for Swedish graduates to study and work in other countries.

As of 2022, Malmö University issues digital degree certificates. 

Share information about your degree

If you are a student or an alum and hold a degree, you can log in to Ladok for students and retrieve a code for sharing information about your degree. Log in to Ladok with your student account. When logging in to Ladok at Malmö University, you will be given the opportunity to log in with one of these alternatives. By sharing the control code for sharing information about your degree, you make it possible for the recipient (for example, an employer) to access information about your degree and its content. If you want to see for yourself what is shared with the recipient, you can log in with the control code and your personal identity number. The same code can be used several times and for several recipients.

You share your degree by:

  • logging in to Ladok for students and go to ”Degrees and certificates”
  • selecting ”Share certificate”
  • sharing the retrieved control code with any recipient

Lost degree certificate

Have you lost your degree certificate and need a new copy? For certificates issued before 2024, you should contact Certificates issued from 2024 onwards are downloaded directly from Ladok for students/alumni. Please note that you should not apply for a new certificate for a degree you have already been awarded.

Ladok for students/alumni

Rules and regulations for degrees

In order to be awarded a degree, the courses listed in your application must fulfil the degree requirements of your main field of study. 

Programme students

In the syllabus, you can find the list of courses you need to complete to obtain your degree as a programme student. Generally, if you have completed your studies according to your syllabus, and completed all the listed courses, you will fulfil the degree requirements.  

To find your syllabus, visit find your programme and select the year you were admitted to the programme.

Freestanding courses

If you have not studied a full programme, your application for a degree certificate is evaluated according to the Degree Requirements (Examensbeskrivning) for your main field of study. The Degree Requirement documents are only available in Swedish.

This type of degree usually requires a certain number of credits and in-depth studies within a main field of study, as well as a stated number of credits from elective courses. There are exceptions, as some degrees from Malmö University require the main field of study to be combined with courses from a certain disciplinary domain.

If you need more detailed information, you are welcome to contact us using our web form:

Contact form

Legal framework for issuing degrees

The requirements for degree certificates are governed by the Qualifications Ordinance, an appendix to the Higher Education Ordinance. In addition, each university has the right to further regulate the degree requirements.

Read more in the Qualifications Ordinance (

For older regulations, please contact us using our web form. 

Contact form

After applying

After submitting your application

Once you have submitted your application, your case is placed in a queue based on the date we received it. We do not send confirmation that your application has been received, but you can follow your case via the page 'Degrees and certificates' in Ladok for students.

The processing time varies during the year and is longest during the summer. In general, it takes between 5 and 8 weeks to receive your degree certificate.

If you have a degree issued as of 1 January 2024, you can download the certificate directly from Ladok. When the certificate is ready to download, you will receive an email to the address you have stated in Ladok. It is therefore important that the email address in Ladok is correct.

Rejection and appeals

If we do not find that your application meets the requirements, you will receive a letter with an official decision rejecting your application. If you find the grounds of the decision unclear, you are welcome to contact the Degree Officer who processed your application. You will find their contact information in the letter.

If you disagree with the decision, you have the right to appeal the decision within three weeks. Your appeal should be sent to Malmö University's Degree Office, but the final decision will be made by the Higher Educations Appeals Board, a national public authority.

Higher Educations Appeals Board

Changes to personal data

If you have received a new personal identity number because of a protected identity, or after undergoing gender reassignment, you can contact us to have a new degree certificate issued.

However, you cannot receive a new certificate only because you have changed your name.

Need a transcript of records?

You can download verifiable transcript of records in Ladok for students.

Download verifiable transcript

Study guidance for students

If you need advice about your future degree and career you can contact a study and career adviser at your faculty.

Study guidance


You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions.

Contact form


Would you like to schedule a phone meeting with us? Please send your name, phone number, and a few suggested times via the contact form, and we'll schedule a meeting. Feel free to include a brief description of the topic you'd like to discuss. We'll give you a call.

Comments and complaints

Comments and complaints directed at the Degree Office are submitted to Samuel Andersson.