Find out how to apply for a grant for an internship from the EU programme Erasmus+.

The grant is intended to help you cover any additional costs in connection with your time abroad. Before you can apply for the grant, you must find an appropriate internship and have it approved.

Eligible countries 

  • all countries within the European Union (not Sweden)
  • Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey 
  • countries and territories on the EU's list of areas associated with EU countries
    Overseas Countries and Territories ( 


How does it work?

Internship possibilities

Various opportunities are available for an Erasmus+ traineeship grant.

An internship course as part of your programme

You do your internship at a company, an organisation or sometimes at a university. Your internship is assessed at Malmö University.

Outside your programme at Malmö University

During your studies:
You do your internship while you are registered on your programme (for example, between two semesters). The internship is recorded in your Diploma Supplement if you request it, but you do not receive any higher education credits for the internship.

After your studies:
After your programme has finished, you can also apply for the grant as a recent graduate:

  • You apply for the grant while you are still an active and registered student. You are a registered student during the semesters, autumn and spring. You must thus apply for the grant before the last day of your last semester.
    Find semester dates - Academic calendar
  • You must apply for the grant before you apply for your degree certificate. By the time your internship starts, however, you must have applied for, and preferably received, your degree certificate.
  • The internship is done in connection to your final semester of your programme at Malmö University. You must carry out and complete your internship within one year of applying for your degree certificate.

As part of a degree project/thesis

An internship is about being involved and learning a profession at a workplace. If this can be combined, to carry out an internship for an organisation/company and collect data for a thesis, it could be approved for the Erasmus+ traineeship grant. The internship must be relevant to the operations of your host organisation/company and thus also your data collection. You must have a supervisor at the receiving company/organisation and the results of the thesis must be beneficial for your receiving organisation/company.

This is an option if you are registered for a degree project/thesis and are assessed in Malmö, but carry out data collection, field studies or similar at a company or an organisation in Europe. Your supervisor at Malmö University must approve the internship/data collection.

For the grant to be awarded within the context of thesis work, the internship must be necessary for the thesis to be carried out. For example, if the data collected during the internship is the basis for the thesis.

Erasmus+ Student Charter

The Erasmus+ Student Charter highlights your rights and obligations during your internship.

Erasmus+ Student Charter

Finding an internship

Your internship must be relevant for your study programme and it is up to you to find your internship position. You can directly contact a company or organisation that interests you. Large companies and organisations often advertise internships/traineeships/student projects on their websites. Your faculty or department may also have useful networks through research collaborations and exchange agreements.

Some organisations are excluded from Erasmus+ internships

  • Organisations managing EU programmes, such as Erasmus+ National Agencies
  • EU institutions and other EU bodies including specialised agencies

List of EU institutions and other EU bodies 

Through an Erasmus+ internship you can go to another higher education institution, but it must be clear that it is for an internship and not for studies. If the student is registered at the host university they may not receive any credits from the host university.

Start looking for an internship

There are many different places where you can look, here are some of them:

The career portal for students at Malmö University

Entry requirements

There are no special requirements for citizenship, nor are there any restrictions that you have to study a certain subject. All students registered at Malmö University who meet the eligibility requirements are able to apply for the grant.

You must be a full-time intern throughout the entire period. The internship period abroad must be at least two months (60 days). A grant can be granted for a maximum of six months with a possibility of extension if funds are still available.

To get support from more than one grant from the EU or the Swedish Council for Higher Education for the same period is not permitted. For example, a student may not receive a Sida travel grant for an internship period for which they received an Erasmus+ grant.

Internship terms and conditions linked to a place of study and residence

Your internship must be in a country other than where you live or study. You must also temporarily reside in the country where you are doing the Erasmus+ internship. This means that you cannot apply for an internship in Denmark if you live in Denmark and commute to Malmö for your studies. Similarly, you do not qualify for a grant if you live in Malmö and commute to Denmark for your internship.

You must also fulfil the following conditions:

  • when applying, you must be an active, registered student at Malmö University
  • for an application as a recent graduate, you must apply for the grant well before the last scheduled day of your final semester
  • the period abroad must be a part of your studies at Malmö University and must either qualify for credit transfer or be recognised via a Diploma Supplement, (except for so-called ‘recent graduates’)
  • when applying for a grant, you must not have applied for your degree certificate
  • students studying freestanding courses without the purpose of graduating do not qualify for Erasmus+ mobility for either studies or internships

How to apply

The application is open all year but your completed application must be received by the University no later than one month before your period abroad is due to start. However, please submit your application as soon as possible.

You can apply for an Erasmus+ traineeship grant as soon as you have organised a full-time internship with an approved organisation or company in an approved country.

Grants are not granted retroactively, and funds are limited.

Applications must be made as follows

1. Learning Agreement for Traineeships – the details of your internship

This document must be jointly completed with your host organisation/company. The document must clearly state, amongst other things, what kind of work you are expected to be doing and the skills and competences you are expecting to acquire during your internship.

Download Learning Agreement for Traineeships (Word, Box)

Tips for completing your Learning Agreement:

  • complete pages 1 – 2 under the headline ‘Section to be completed before the mobility’. The document must be signed by you and the supervisor at your host organisation/company.
  • your Learning Agreement is not be signed by Malmö University's Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator before you submit your application. It will then be signed once your application has been submitted and if approved.
  • please note: if you are applying for the grant within the framework of a degree project/thesis, the Responsible person at the Sending Institution’s signature must be that of your thesis supervisor at Malmö University. Use the learning agreement for traineeships for thesis work.

Download Learning Agreement for Traineeships for thesis work (Word, Box)

(2. Certificate where the internship does not qualify for credit transfer)

If your internship does not qualify for credit transfer, you need a signed certificate from your course/programme coordinator. This is to ensure that the internship is academically linked to your studies, that it is related to the degree you are studying for or the profession that your programme could conceivably lead to.

Certificate for where the internship does not qualify for credit transfer (PDF, Box) 

3. Complete the form in the MoveON database

Use your computer identity to log into MoveON and complete the form 'Application internship abroad'. 

If you have already completed MoveON for the period in question, you do not need to submit a new online application for the grant. Instead, attach a copy of the PDF you received for the first application. You are able to download your application from the MoveON portal under 'Your applications'.

Log in to the MoveON portal

4. Send your application by email

Email your complete application, the documents from step 1-3, to Rebecca Arklöf.

Contact Rebecca Arklöf

5. Bank account details and application for green travel

If your application meets the eligibility requirements, you will receive a separate email where we ask you to fill in your bank account details. The bank account details are needed to continue processing your application. In the same application, you indicate whether you wish to apply for green travel.

6. Language test

All students receiving the Erasmus+ traineeship grant must take a language test in the main language used during the internship. When your internship is over, you can take a second language test if you wish, it is not mandatory. You can also choose to do an optional online language course to improve your language skills.

You will receive more information about the language test if your application is approved.

After the internship

To receive the outstanding grant when your internship has ended, you must fulfil the following requirements within 30 days after the end of your traineeship:

  • complete a participant report for the European Commission. You will receive an invitation to complete the report via email after the last day of your internship.
  • upload your ‘Traineeship Certificate’ to MoveOn
    Traineeship certificate, after the traineeship (Box)

Your internship supervisor has to complete the document and sign it. They thus certify the actual start and end date of your internship. The actual dates are then the basis for any adjustment of your total grant amount and second payment.

You upload and submit your documents to MoveOn. You use the form ‘After nomination: Document upload for mobility abroad’. In the section ‘Supporting documents’ you choose ‘After the mobility’ in the scroll down list and upload your document in the section ‘Erasmus+ certificate of attendance’.

You will receive more information about these requirements if your application for the grant is approved and also when your internship period is about to be finalised.

Submit documents to MoveOn

Students at Malmö University who are nominated for exchange studies to the United Kingdom may apply for the Erasmus+ grant for exchange studies.



The grant will aid to cover additional costs in connection with your stay abroad. It does not cover everything.


The grant is a fixed monthly amount and the sum varies from year to year. The grant differs depending on which country you are going to.

The grant amount from autumn 2024 is:

  • 710 EUR/month (23,66 EUR/day) for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Norway.
  • 660 EUR/month (22 EUR/day) for Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Turkey.

How is the payment made?

Your grant is transferred in EUR in two parts:

  • 70 per cent of the grant is transferred after your application has been finalised and approved, before the internship starts
  • the remaining grant is transferred after you have completed your internship, filled in an evaluation and submitted a traineeship certificate from the company/organisation

Travel grant and green travel

Travel grant

You will automatically receive a travel grant based on the distance between Malmö and the host city. Use the European Commission's distance calculator to work out the distance you need to travel. The travel grant will be higher if you travel in a sustainable way.

You will also automatically receive two travel days and for these you receive the daily grant sum.

Green travel

If more than half of the distance of your round-trip travel from Malmö to your destination (host city) is done in a sustainable way, then the travel grant will be higher. If needed, you may also apply for up to four extra 'green' travel days and for these you receive the daily grant sum.

Green travel is defined as travel that uses low-emission means of transport for the main part of the journey, such as bus, train or carpooling. You cannot apply for green travel if you are travelling sustainably in one direction only, nor if you are travelling alone in an electric or hybrid car.

You have to apply for green travel before your departure, you may not apply retroactively.

The extra green travel days only apply if you need more than two travelling days. For example, if you are travelling sustainably, but the journey to the host city only takes one day in each direction, you do not need to apply for any green travel days.

Calculate travel grant

  • from 10km to 99km: 56 EUR for green travel (28 EUR for non-green travel)
  • from 100km to 499km: 285 (211)
  • from 500km to 1999km: 417 (309)
  • from 2,000km to 2,999km: 535 (395)
  • from 3,000km to 3,999km: 785 (580)
  • from 4,000km to 7,999km: 1,188 (1188)
  • 8,000 km or more: 1,735 (1,735)

The distances above represent one-way travel between Malmö and the destination (host city). The amount indicated corresponds to the full travel grant (EUR). Use the European Commission's distance calculator to calculate the distance between cities.

Distance calculator

Inclusion, possibility of an extra grant

  • students with a permanent or a long-term disability, including a disability caused by physical or mental illness, may apply for a special supplement
  • students who have minor children, regardless of whether the child accompanies or not, may apply for a special supplement, a top-up

If, for example, you  have a NAIS decision, then you may apply for the top-up.

If the stay abroad would involve extra costs that exceed the above mentioned top-up, it is possible to apply for inclusion support from the Swedish Council for Higher Education for actual costs. The inclusion support for actual costs then becomes a complement to the top-up. Please contact us when you have decided to go forward with you travel to get more information and assistance.

You can receive a grant several times

It is possible to apply for an Erasmus+ grant for an internship and/or exchange studies on several occasions. The limit is for a total of 12 months in each education cycle (bachelor’s level, master’s level or doctoral studies).


All registered outgoing exchange students and interns from Malmö University are insured through the Kammarkollegiet's Student OUT insurance. Your insurance certificate will be sent to the email address you provided when you made your application for exchange studies. Make sure to read the terms and conditions before you go abroad. 

Please note that: 

  • The insurance is valid in the host country during your studies or internship. It is not valid for time spent outside of your host country.
  • If the country of study is the country in which you are domiciled, the only clauses that apply are Personal injury and Liability. If you are a citizen of the country of study or if you have lived there, contact Kammarkollegiet and find out what applies specifically to you.
  • The Student OUT insurance does not apply in countries where the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against all travel. Find information on the governmental office's website.

Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Swedish,

If something happens during the time you are away, you report this by making a claim. Information about the claim form and terms and conditions can be found on the Kammarkollegiet website.

More about the Student OUT insurance (