Procrastination group – Wednesdays
Wednesday 22 January, 15:30 - Tuesday 10 June, 17:00
Student Centre, Neptuniplan 7 -

Do you repeatedly postpone your studying or do you find it difficult to organise your studies? Then the Student Health Service procrastination group may be for you! The purpose of the group is to work together to reduce procrastination and receive support towards behavioural change.
- The group meets every Wednesday 15.30 – 17.00. The meetings will be on campus.
You can join the group throughout the semester. The Student Health Service has continuous intake , which means you can end up in a queue and start when there is a place available. So first come, first served! To register, senda an email to Karin Hyleborg.
Swedish group
This procrastination group is held in English. There is also a Swedish procrastination group.