There are codes of conduct which apply to both students and staff while on campus; these cover: the consumption of alcohol, food and drink; displaying posters; opening hours; recycling, and scooters. You should make yourself aware of these, and also what happens if the rules are broken.

Campus codes

Alcohol, food and drink

Food may be heated and eaten in student kitchenettes and common rooms. Eating is not allowed in any teaching facilities (for example, group rooms, classrooms, lecture theatres, and labs) with the exception of exam rooms when the exam is longer than two hours. Please note that seats in our cafes and restaurants are reserved for paying guests during lunchtime (11.00 – 13.00). It is normally forbidden to drink alcohol on University premises.


Peanuts are not allowed on University premises. It is also not allowed to bring scented candles or scented or allergenic flowers. Perfume or fragrance sprays may not be used in the toilets. Visitors should avoid wearing strongly scented products. Students who have allergic problems that may be affected by the behaviour of others have their own responsibility to inform others about it, in the first instance, contact the programme or course coordinator.

Group rooms

Students can book a group room a maximum of two days in advance and for up to four hours per day. The exception is the Orkanen Library, where it is possible to book a week in advance but only two hours per day.

Schedule, group rooms and class rooms

Opening hours

Most of our buildings are open to the public on weekdays during semesters from 8.00 to 16.30. Students have access to the premises every day from 6.00 to 22.00 with multicard and code. Special hours apply during Christmas and summer breaks.

Schedule, group rooms and class rooms


Pets are not allowed on the premises, with the exception of certified assistance and security dogs.


Putting up posters or distributing flyers is allowed for activities related to the University or student unions. Commercial advertising and political and religious content are prohibited.

Quiet rooms

These rooms are available for students and staff who need a moment of privacy. Guidelines can be found on this page.


Waste must be sorted according to the instructions displayed at the recycling areas.


Students and visitors are required to comply with fire and safety regulations. Specific rules should be followed for events.

Security for students


Electric scooters and similar vehicles must be kept folded up indoors and may not be charged on University premises.


The sale or promotion of services or products to students or staff is not authorised on University premises. The exception is invited participants at, for example, trade fairs.


Smoking is prohibited both within and around all University buildings, including: near entrances, in courtyards, and on patios.


A student or visitor who breaks the rules may have their access to University premises restricted. Security staff have the right to exclude students or visitors temporarily (up to 48 hours).


Campus guidelines and regulations

Policy for quiet rooms

Access and inclusion

  • Quiet rooms are set up for private reflection, contemplation and prayer. They are to be used solely by students and staff of Malmö University.
  • Quiet rooms are not for conversation, study, eating or sleeping.
  • Quiet rooms are open to all students and staff regardless of religion, gender or sexual orientation.
  • Quiet rooms cannot be reserved or booked for group gatherings or for religious celebrations, except by someone who is an official faith representative at Malmö University.

Furnishings and decorations

Quiet rooms are non-denominational. This means that the permanent and visible fixtures and fittings of the room do not represent or reflect a specific religion, belief system or tradition. Exceptions may be a discreet directional marking towards Mecca. 

However, quiet rooms allow for the storage of items such as prayer mats, spiritual literature, and icons. These can be used by visitors and should be returned to their place after use.

Literature and other material intended for distribution do not belong in the room. Malmö University has the right to remove such material and that which is considered contrary to the University's values.

University Chaplaincy

Associations and organisations

According to Chapter 1, Section 13 of the Higher Education Ordinance, a University is obliged to allow a democratically organised association of students at the University to use the teaching premises for a meeting organised by the association for its members, if the meeting is held for information, expression of opinion or other similar purposes, or for the performance of an artistic work. Anyone invited by the organisation to participate in the meeting may not be refused access to the meeting premises.

The University does not lend premises to any other political organisation.