At Career Service you can get help with: identifying and mapping your skills, setting goals for your future career, discovering various strategies for finding jobs and get feedback on your CV. On our career portal you can book individual career guidance meetings, find job vacancies and traineeships.

What you can get help with

There are a variety of areas where the Career Services can provide support and guidance.

Here are some examples:

  • What should I consider when writing my CV and cover letter?
  • How can I be more confident about the transition to working life?
  • What are my competences, strengths and areas of development?
  • How can I navigate my future labour market?
  • Questions on networking, recruitment processes and the labour market.

Career Portal

Career course and starting your own business

Throughout your education, you will have the opportunity to access our career course in canvas, where you will find digital resources focused on careers.

If you want to meet one-to-one for an individual career-related consultation, you can find our available time slots on our Career Portal. 

Five tips for your job search

  1. Make a thorough inventory of your skills, your knowledge and your experience.
  2. Read up on potential employers and look at job advertisements in your field of interest to get an idea of what is required. Conduct an 'informational interview'.
  3. Create tailored application documents (targeting your application towards specific jobs you are applying for takes time, so make sure you start the process as early as possible).
  4. Build your professional network to create opportunities for the future (by doing an internship, being active at LinkedIn and by participating at career fair days)
  5. Prepare well for the interview – think about how you want to present your skills and what questions you want to ask the employer – to get the most out of the interview.

Jobs and career paths

During your studies, questions may arise about what jobs might suit you after your studies. On the programme or course page, you can find examples of possible professions and career paths for your specific programme or course.

By reflecting on the courses you have taken and the knowledge you have acquired, you can more easily market yourself and your skills.

Find education

Peer Support Network

Students have the opportunity to join a Peer Support Network (PSN) in association with Malmö University.

This is an initiative to encourage career-related mental wellbeing by helping students to get in touch with other students (that is, student peers) to discuss and support one's own and student peers’ career-related challenges and mental wellbeing. As such, participation and contribution is voluntary but its success relies on “sharing is caring”.

More about the Peer Support Network

In short, the Peer Support Network is:

  • an initiative to prompt discussions on the meaning of self-awareness, self-confidence and ability to take ownership on career-related transition and or progression
  • a place wherein you and your student peers are given the chance to work on career-related challenges and support own and student peers’ career-related transition and or progression

...and not:

  • a course with coursework
  • a place to discuss field or study specific details (e.g., how SPSS works or what research method to use for my specific research project)

More information?

If you are interested in the Peer Support Network, please contact Sirkka Jarlvik,

Contact the Career Services

If you have further questions or concerns, please contact