Find the answers to frequently asked questions.

Application and requirements

What are the language requirements?

At some universities there are language requirements that you need to meet to be admitted. Please note, some universities require your merits to be recently awarded. Detailed information about the requirements for each university is found in the MoveON portal during the application round.

About language requirements (Apply for exchange studies)

My courses will be taught in a language other than English

When you are applying to a university where the language of instruction is different from English, you must submit documents that demonstrate your knowledge of that language. For example, a certificate from a language school or the result of a language test.

If you do not have a certificate, you can explain in your Statement of Purpose how you learned the language and what level you think you are at. Some universities will require official certificates, find out about this in the announcement.

Can I get an Erasmus+ grant for my exchange?

For exchange studies within Erasmus+, you must pay attention to special requirements in connection with the application for Erasmus+ grant.

In addition, you must go on exchange in a country other than the country where you live. To be eligible to apply for an Erasmus+ grant you may not commute to an Erasmus+ exchange, e.g. from Malmö to Denmark.

Erasmus+ grants for exchange studies

Can I get help with my application?

For each announcement of exchange student places, there is at least one information meeting. At these meetings, you will receive details about the application process and you will have the chance to ask questions.

Additionally, there are several drop-in opportunities to speak with the International Coordinator at your faculty. You are always welcome to contact the International Coordinator directly if you have questions about exchange studies.

Contact an International Coordinator

Course selection

How do I pick the courses for my study plan?

You must familiarise yourself with the host university's system and find courses, equivalent to 30 credits at Malmö University, that are relevant to the degree you are pursuing at Malmö University. The courses that will be offered for the semester you are applying for may not be available at the time of the application. You have to base your selection on the information available when you apply, for instance last year’s courses.

A good idea on where to start is to look for the incoming/inbound landing page at the host university's website. To search their website for courses, you should look for units, subjects, courses or modules (the names vary by university). Sometimes you need to click on a programme to access the various sub courses.

The selection of courses that you include in your application is not final. If you are nominated your course selection will probably change several times before you travel.

If you study abroad during your elective semester, the choice of courses is more or less up to you. If there are any restrictions regarding electing courses, this will be stated in the MoveON portal for each announcement.

What kind of courses can I choose?

  • When you study abroad during your elective semester, you are relatively free to select whichever courses you wish. If there are any restrictions, you will find them when the exchange places are advertised.
  • If a course has the same title as a course within your programme, make sure that the two courses cover different content.
  • Keep in mind that introductory language courses are not approved – unless the partner university has made them mandatory for all exchange students.

Can I study language courses?

  • Unless languages are a vital part of your programme, there may be a limit to how much of your study plan can be made up by language courses. This limit may be different for each faculty or programme.
  • Keep in mind that introductory language courses may not be approved – unless the partner university has made them mandatory for all exchange students. 

My university is outside of Europe, how many credits do I need?

All universities within the European Union have the same credit system. However, if you go outside of Europe a full-time credit load is something else entirely. To see how many credits you need to study at the host university in order to reach the equivalent of full-time studies (30 higher education credits), check the list of partner universities outside of Europe.

Full-time credits at our partner universities (PDF, Box)

My studies

Can I apply even though I am studying freestanding courses?

Yes. When you are studying freestanding courses you have the same opportunities as programme students to apply for exchange studies, provided that you intend to get your degree from Malmö University. To prove this, you need to attach a study description in which you describe how you plan to obtain your degree.

What if my programme doesn't have an elective semester?

Even if you do not have an elective semester, that does not necessarily mean that you cannot go on exchange! It is however important to review the courses offered at the partner university in order to ensure that they fit within the framework of your education. If there are any general restrictions regarding course selection, you will find information about this when the exchange places are advertised.

Can I study abroad for two semesters?

You may apply for exchange studies for two semesters if this is possible within your programme.

  • If you apply for two semesters at the same university, submit a single application.
  • If you apply for two semesters at two different universities, submit two separate applications. 
  • In your Statement of purpose, clearly state which semester is the most important to you, as there may be competition for places. If you wish to study at two different universities, you need to check and make sure the semester periods do not conflict.

Can I study abroad on my own?

Of course you can! Planning your studies abroad on your own gives you lots of options. But it also requires a lot of work on your part. You will have to find all the information you need and contact the university yourself. It will also be your responsibility to complete the application and to take care of all practical matters.

Remember that you might be required to pay fees, which you do not have to if you go as an exchange student. Contact the university directly and ask for information and application materials.

Studies on your own (Apply for exchange studies)

Being abroad

Do I have insurance when I'm abroad?

You are insured by the insurance Student OUT through Kammarkollegiet on your exchange. Carefully read the terms of the insurance and make sure that you will have appropriate insurance coverage at your study destination.

The Student OUT insurance (