
Body, Rhythm and Soul: movement and dance

Tuesday 15 October, 15:30 - Tuesday 10 December, 16:45
Orkanen, room OR:B324
Kvinna ligger i avslappnande position

Try a new approach to recovery and well-being

Body, Rhythm and Soul is for those who may not be used to dancing, but are curious about how movement can affect your wellbeing.

We explore movement and dance in an inclusive and playful environment, together with others. There are no performance requirements. Each session will also have elements of mindfulness and we end with relaxation.

How to register

The first two occasions will be open for students who want to test the concept. The following seven occasions will be in a closed group.

More information about times and registration can be found on the student health page. Register your interest by 8 October.

Body, Rhythm and Soul